Personal Details

Information about you.

This section is all about you. Please be sure to fill in all the relevant fields.

Forename is required.
Surname is required.
Leave blank if the same as your legal first name.
Leave blank if the same as your legal first name.
Date of Birth should use a dd/mm/yyyy format.
Please indicate your gender as it was registered at birth.
Legal Gender is required.
Current School is required.
Year Group is required.

Home address details.

Address is required.
Town is required.
County is required.
Country is required.
Date of entry must use dd/mm/yyyy format.
Your Date of entry should use a DD/MM/YYYY format.


Please indicate below your likely support needs (physical, learning or otherwise), if any. Declaring a need will not disadvantage you in any way but will help post 16 providers to plan their student support.

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